
We provide complete drone services by experienced experts so that organizations can benefit from the latest innovations.

The exponential benefits they bring to businesses and public agencies are truly impressive. Combining an aerial perspective along with constantly evolving technology, they facilitate an entirely new spectrum of solutions that bring unprecedented efficiencies to various industries.

How can you help?

Solutions consulting

Our consulting team can create or improve a comprehensive program, from needs analysis to drone licensing, procurement and ongoing fleet management.

Professional services

Take advantage of our hardware and professional drone pilots to get results quickly; Our advanced equipment and equipment are available globally for ongoing events or engagements.

As a service (DAAS)

Your complete drone solution with an all-inclusive monthly subscription, our DaaS program offers organizations a flexible, affordable, and ready-to-launch drone program.

Featured Industry Segments

Police – Fire – Rescue

Our solution provides situational awareness that helps first responders assess an incident and execute it safely. From searching for suspects or victims to detecting hot spots, drones provide multiple benefits in various situations

Land Management Inspection Survey

They are changing the way we manage property and infrastructure, from crops to golf courses to pipelines and railroads. Discover how drones can autonomously conduct surveys to provide valuable data and alert you to potential problems

Private security and investigation

Demand is increasing due to capabilities such as autonomous patrols, artificial intelligence, and thermal and infrared imaging. There are numerous ways in which drones can improve various security functions.

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